Saturday, February 6, 2010

Prevent Gum Damage Teeth

Chewing gum generally consumed by people if you're feeling nervous or during exercise. But chewing gum on a regular basis can also be useful to prevent tooth decay. Chewing gum is good to prevent tooth decay is that does not contain sugar. Chewing sugar free gum will have a positive impact on dental health.

The other benefits that can be obtained by chewing gum is to increase the production of saliva, it is useful to help protect the teeth, keeping it clean teeth and can strengthen tooth enamel. Chewing gum can also exercise the facial muscles and teeth and also make cells salivary glands to work better and more efficient. And affect the types of bacteria that grow in the mouth of a person. People who have a high risk of experiencing tooth decay are people who do not really diet, often consume soft drinks or sports drinks, lifestyle and unhealthy eating certain medications can affect saliva production.

Chewing gum that could provide positive benefits for the teeth is the sugar-free candy and milk contains proteins that can release minerals to help improve your teeth and prevent decay. Decay is the beginning of the emergence of a large cavity which over time can cause damage. Nothing wrong to chew sugar free gum as part of healthy living habits. But do not leaving other healthy habits such as a toothbrush at least 2 times a day and checked my teeth every 6 months.

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