Friday, March 13, 2009

The U.S. car companies expand hybrid car craze

In 1990, the U. S. Department of Energy along with GM, Ford, Chrysler, against the dominance of the Japanese and European colleagues in the development of hybrid vehicles. Millions of dollars are made in a huge project for the development of American hybrid cars.

Ten years later, Ford came up with a model of the market, competing against six Japanese hybrid cars. Starting with the sale of Ford Escape Hybrid SUV in September 2004. The other two American manufacturers of hybrid cars are difficult times in the performance of their hybrids to the consumer public.

What happened to the great American dream of hybrid cars may be someone to guess.

Here is a brief update on the status of the American hybrid car manufacturers.


The public report on the Ford Escape Hybrid was finally effective in September 2004. The original plan was in 2003. Ford, in response to the call for American hybrid cars is a fully hybrid electric vehicle that is capable of operating on gasoline or electric motor or both. This is to meet the requirements set by driver demand to optimize performance and reduce fuel consumption.

Ford Escape is the first American hybrid cars. Produces less than one pound of smog-forming substances, for each 15,000 m This is significant when compared with all light trucks average 105 pounds of smog-forming for each of 15,000 million euros on average for passenger cars, with the same number of miles, is 67 pounds .

Currently, hybrids, especially the American hybrid cars are the hottest topic in the U.S. population is interested in finding how hybrid will benefit the environment. Including the small as well as its own budget for fuel. And maybe that consumers are interested if the hybrids really consume small amount of fuel.

Ford is smart enough that the first American hybrid car SUV. For obvious reasons, SUV is seen as very American, which will help Ford to sell hybrid.

Ford Hybrid has the looks and performance of the normal car. This allows the American hybrid car to evade "image look" problem of older versions of Honda hybrid cars. Better fuel Ford Escape also impressed American buyers.

To demonstrate its commitment to the issue of the environment, has installed 10.4 acres-cleaning plant in his factory in Dearborn. Plants server insulators to the building, and improving the drainage of water. Ford also for the production of the Mercury Mariner Hybrid next year. A smaller hybrid sedan will follow, and hydrogen-powered Ford Focus is being developed. Daimler-Chrysler

When Evan Boberg, an automotive engineer for Chrysler's hybrid program resigned after alleged incompetence Oof program officers in the early 1990s, many believed that the hybrid Chrysler is good as dead. Last year, however, Daimler-Chrysler announced its first edition by offering a hybrid on the market, as the Dodge Ram Contractor Special. Since the design of other hybrid Pliers, Dodge Ram will emphasize utility, instead of storing the fuel system. Hybrid not for the promised mass production, and are available only for fleet owners.

In a separate interview on the German auto industry paper in 2004, Thomas Weber, member of the board of DaimlerChrysler, said it takes five years with a Mercedes hybrid. So, before the decade ends, a new Mercedes will be a road of large cities in the world.

General Motors

GM began offering American hybrid cars with Sierra and Silverado for fleet and commercial customers in action in May 2004. In October of that year, began offering genetically modified hybrid Pliers six states: Washington, California, Nevada, Alaska, May and Oregon. Limited offer was based consumer demand for American hybrid cars in those states.

GM in 2000 of their Silverado and Sierra hybrid trucks for 2005. For 2006, the availability of hybrid pickup trucks has been extended to the entire national demand. For the current year ends, GM is considering the volume of 3000 pieces.

In addition, a new hybrid vehicle Saturn VUE this year, GM is also offering Chevrolet Malibu for next year, 2007. Next year, GM has also come with two-mode full hybrid. This project is being developed with Daimler Chrysler and BMW. The resulting America hybrid car is expected that 25 per cent more fuel than the popular SUVs, the Chevrolet Tahoe and GMC Yukon.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Car Title Loans

Car title loans can be a quick way to get some, but action is needed to ensure that your payments on time or you lose your only means of transport.

A title loan is a way to borrow money on your vehicle. Based on your stock value, a lender determines how much money you can borrow. Average title loans from $ 250 to $ 1500, but as high as $ 5000 or $ 10000. In the title loan transaction, you can maintain and operate the motor vehicle, the lender takes title to your vehicle as security for the repayment of the loan. Usually the lender gets a copy of your keys. If you do not make payments on your loan, the lender will sell your car, some pocket money he or she is. Therefore, prior to the title loan on your car, you need the following:


The amount you owe
Florida law allows a title lender to charge "charge" to 22% per month to borrow money (see Florida Statutes, Chapter 538). The 22% monthly fee of more than a year adds up to 264% of the amount that you borrow must be repaid. By contrast, interest on your credit card account is usually only about 18% to 21% per year. The box shows the total amount you repay the loan of $ 1,000 for paid leave in any one year to 22% per month

Today you borrow

$ 1,000

Monthly advance

approx. $ 300

More than a year to pay

$ 3640

Although not explicitly allowed Florida law, 22% "fee" equal to interest calculated monthly, some title lenders so you can pay 22% of the amount you owe, including 22% fee, which you paid . Keep in mind that if you can not order payment of interest on your loan, you pay three and four original amount you borrowed to return to his title.

Read the small print
Read and understand the full title loan application / contract before you sign. You should be aware of the monthly fee charged, duration, amount and number of payments to be made and the total amount of money you must pay to return to his title. You should also be aware of procedures for the lender if you have any payments. If you can not your loan payments, the lender will your car - maybe only if you have missed a payment. After repossession, the lender can give you a short time to make your car back if you restart your loan payments. Florida law allows only the names of the lenders will have a monthly fee, ranging up to 22% on Monday However, despite the absence of an explicit mention of any title loan borrowers, or people who work in connection with them, can try to charge, such as the possession and storage of your vehicle is returned to you. These additional costs can run into hundreds of dollars.

Consider Alternatives
On its face, a title loan seems attractive, especially if you need money quickly, a problem or have received loans from banks, savings & loan or credit unions. However, in the name of the loan, you pay a substantial fee, and likely lost the vehicle, which may be your only source of transport. Instead, the title loan, you might consider:

* Budget for everything you need;
* Work on an alternative plan for payment by the seller or supplier without a point, or if a title loan to pay you, if possible, to prevent the title loan to pay for basic needs such as rent or food ;
* Contact a credit counseling services that are offered at reduced rates or free, depending on the town or district where you live;

* Loans from friends and family, and
* The financial relief from charitable organizations or other assistance agencies.